I like old things. I like their vibe, their rust, and the stories they poses. When you walk around an antique mall there is an energy that I find creatively inspiring. I even like the staleness in the air that comes from the layers of dust. As a kid I'd always assigned feelings to inanimate objects, I blame the Brave Little Toaster. Even in my older age I get those same thoughts looking at old things sitting in piles. I think by making these pieces I'm saving the paper and giving it new life. Again, it's 100% the Brave Little Toaster's fault. Below are a few of the pieces I made. Unfortunately, with these I have one shot to get it right, and I have destroyed a few on accident. (So much for giving them new life then lol) These are the ones I consider a success. This paper was an old bill from the C.F Sauer company in 1940. The top header portion was sliced and I repaired it with tape and glue on the back. The header is the star of this pieces. C.F Sauer owns Duke's so it seemed natural to do a Duke's print on it. This bill is from the Richmond Stove Company.. I love how the writing shows through on the print. This was another one where the graphics on the bill header are the real star. I wanted the print to cut off right at the top border so this took several adjustments and practice prints before using the actual paper. This paper was produced in Richmond, VA and I was able to get a whole pack of it. It's lined and extremely thin, but it held the ink well. This one was hand draw and I used alcohol based markers, pen and ink. The colors took a minute to get used to because of the yellowing on the paper. It had a different look than you're expecting when applied. I hope to make more of these as I come across paper that is made from or about Richmond. I don't want to force anything and start buying a bunch of RVA paper. I want to wait until it crosses my path and I think "That would be fun to print on" You can shop all my Richmond prints on my Etsy page HERE |